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FerBot - User Guide

FerBot is a chat bot for you to manage your day-to-day tasks.

Image of chat bot

Features summary

Feature Description Example
list Lists all existing tasks in FerBot list
todo Adds a new ToDo task into the list todo assignment
deadline Adds a new Deadline task into the list deadline gym 3 times /by 10-10-2020
event Add a new Event task into the list event half-marathon /at 25-09-2020
delete Deletes the specified task from the list delete 4
done Marks the specified task as done in the list done 3
find Finds tasks in Duke that contains the keyword find assignment
bye Saves your existing task list and exits FerBot bye

Feature 1

View existing tasks

To view all the tasks that you currently have in FerBot.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:


Feature 2

Create a ToDo task

Adds a ToDo task into FerBot.

Example of usage:

If you want to add a ToDo task for doing an upcoming assignment:

todo assignment

Expected outcome:


Feature 3

Create a Deadline task

Adds a Deadline task into FerBot.

Example of usage:

If you want to add a deadline task to gym 3 times by 10th October 2020:

deadline gym 3 times /by 10-10-2020

Expected outcome:


Feature 4

Create an Event task

Adds an Event task into FerBot.

Example of usage:

If you want to add an event task for a half-marathon on 25th September 2020:

event half-marathon /at 25-09-2020

Expected outcome:


Feature 5

Delete a Task

Delete a task from FerBot.

Example of usage:

If you want to delete the 4th task from FerBot:

delete 4

Expected outcome:


Feature 6

Complete a Task

Mark a specified task as done in FerBot.

Example of usage:

If you want to mark the 3rd task as done in FerBot:

done 3

Expected outcome:


Feature 7

Finding tasks

Find tasks in FerBot that contains the keyword that you input.

Example of usage:

If you want to find tasks that contains the keyword “assignment”:

find assignment

Expected outcome:


Feature 8

Exit FerBot

To save your existing task list and exit FerBot.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:
